Speaking Genre-Based Approach

Teacher’s Book

This book is presented as a practical guide for English language educators in teaching speaking skills using a genre-based approach. We hope that this book can help teachers improve students' competence in communicating effectively through a structured and context-appropriate approach.

In the language learning process, speaking skills are one of the most important aspects that require special attention. With a genre-based approach, students are invited to understand language not only as a communication tool, but also as a means to develop critical and logical thinking skills. This book provides various strategies, methods, and examples of learning activities that are designed to be easily implemented in the classroom


Albertus Agung Yuwono
Dimas Adika
Agus Dwi Priyanto

PenerbitPT Literasi Nusantara Abadi  Grup
Halamanxii +82
HargaRp 87.000